Live AI Storytelling Experience by Tellart

Tellart redefine creative thinking with live AI experimentation

Experience design agency Tellart took over the museum, holding a creative workshop in the Nxt Lab and turning the Nxt Stage into an experimental AI playground for a private event for global media enterprise, Vivendi.

Welcoming 50 guests, Nxt founder Merel van Helsdingen gave a talk about the museum, and our vision for the future to the Vivendi team, who then moved to our exhibition space and participated in SAM – Tellart’s most recent AI experience in which participants created a personalised, ephemeral film together by answering questions on their phone.

With a combination of text-based AI models like Chat-GPT and image-based models like Stable Diffusion and Touch Designer, the Nxt Stage was the perfect environment to display the images of what future collaborative brainstorming experiences can look like, combining future foresight, creative technologies, and design to explore, envision, and better understand the world. We were excited to see our space transform into such a platform for creative thinking, and live interaction with our facilities that fully explore the potential of the Stage.

Guests: 80

Type of Event: Company Event

Spaces Used: Nxt Stage, Nxt Lab