Lumus Instruments Present POLYNODE VIII
[Live] Artist in Residence at Nxt Museum

How can light uncover unseen digital systems?

As part of a first-of-its-kind live artist residency at Nxt Museum, we invite you to succumb to the evolving realities of POLYNODE VIII.

As part of a first-of-its-kind artist residency at Nxt Museum, Lumus Instruments invites you to become a part of the evolving realities of Polynode. Polynode is an audio-visual instrument that uses light and sound to create a dynamic experience. The virtual nodes generate patterns that change over time. The work explores how digital systems interact with physical spaces, and how we as humans perceive this interplay. While we are constantly interacting with digital systems, a large part of their complex framework is beyond what we can perceive. By investigating how these systems affect our lives, Lumus Instruments seeks to understand how humans and technology can coexist in the future.

Throughout this live residency, Lumus Instruments are continuously evolving the work, experimenting with new modes, systems and programming as a means to further develop their practice and artistic research, exploring:

How can we perceive digital entities that are integrated and stretched out in our physical environment? How can the mode of existence of a collective digital intelligence synchronise with our mode of existence?

About the artist:

Lumus Instruments is an Amsterdam-based multidisciplinary studio that works with light, sound and structure in various forms of installation art and scenography. The studio is directed by Timo Lejeune and Julius Oosting, who find their roots in design, architecture and engineering.

“We are makers of instruments that allow us to play with light and how it affects our perception of space.”

Artwork credits:

Digital LED, Aluminium extrusion, Steel cable, Computer, Speakers

Concept and realization by:
Timo Lejeune
Julius Oosting
Timothy Hendriks

Technology in collaboration with:
Bureau Moeilijke Dingen

Audio-visual composition, loop 26 minutes

Event format:

Artist Residency