An introduction to 'Econtinuum' and plant-to-plant communication by Thijs Biersteker and Kathy Steppe.

During Ars Electronica (2020), we virtually and physically participated with artists and academics from all around the world by hosting streams both online and from Nxt Lab. In our Shifting Proximities Garden, we invited everyone to participate in workshops, panel discussions and performances.

Econtinuum is an installation by ecological artist Thijs Biersteker, in partnership with different scientists and commissioned by Nxt Museum. It visualises the latest pioneering research into plant-to-plant communication. In discussion with the artist and bio-engineer in environmental technology, Kathy Steppe, we will uncover how trees work together, how to learn from each other, warn each other and share nutrients, but also how we can learn from it to improve our own communication and relationships. We can again connect with nature by using the latest technology.

Rewatch the livestream here 

Event format:

Panel Talk


10 September 2020


7:00 pm - 7:45 pm