Ars Electronica 2020
Workshops, panel discussions and performances

During this year’s Ars Electronica, we virtually and physically participated with artists and academics from all around the world by hosting streams both online and from Nxt Lab.

In our Shifting Proximities Garden, we invited everyone to participate in workshops, panel discussions and performances. You could enjoy psychedelic AI-driven video art by Lorem, design your own face filter under the guidance of filter queen Jeremy Bailey and join a range of panel talks about plant communication and AI’s agency in the arts.

Our Programm:

Wednesday, Sep 9, 2020 // PANEL TALK
Autonomy & AI: Who is using Who? // with Sari Depreeuw (BE), Francesco D’Abbraccio aka LOREM (IT), Moderated by Bogomir Doringer (RS/NL)

Wednesday, Sep 9, 2020 // PERFORMANCE
Within a Latent Space // LOREM (IT)

Thursday, Sep 10, 2020 // PANEL TALK
Econtinuum // Kathy Steppe (BE), Thijs Biersteker (NL), Moderated by Bogomir Doringer (RS/NL)

Friday, Sep 11, 2020 // PERFORMANCE
Habitat // Heleen Blanken (NL), Stijn van Beek (NL)

Saturday, Sep 12, 2020 // WORKSHOP
Digital Drag (FULL) // Jeremy Bailey (CA)

Saturday, Sep 12, 2020 // PANEL TALK
Addressing Ethics, Bias and Colonial Legacies in Emerging Media // Courtney D. Cogburn (US), Jesse Damiani (US)

Rewatch the panel talks:


9 - 12 September 2020