Presence and Erasure

Do you feel seen?

The digital artwork ‘Presence and Erasure’ by Random International produces temporary portraits of passersby. It is an empty canvas without the participation of passing human bodies.The artwork constantly scans for faces in the vicinity and photographs them. When the artwork’s algorithm detects a certain quality within a photograph, this image is temporarily printed at large scale by exposing a photochromic surface to light impulses.

The work invites us to consider our perception of surveillance technology and our participation, acceptance or defiance within it – from unlocking our phones with facial recognition, walking past surveillance cameras in public space, to uploading our selfies to social media – ‘Presence and Erasure’ asks whether the thrill of seeing ourselves masks the violation of our privacy? Engage with this evocative artwork highlighting the irreversible interconnectivity between human and machine.

— About Random International
Established in 2005, Random International is a postdigital art group exploring the impact of technological development on the human condition. Best known for their large-scale interactive installations, the group works across an array of media including sculpture, light, kinetics, video, print, and sound. Led by founders Hannes Koch (b.1975, Germany) and Florian Ortkrass (b.1975, Germany), the group has a studio in London and comprises a global team of complimentary talent. Experimental by nature, Random International’s practice is fuelled by research and scientific discovery. The group aims to broaden the question of what it is to be alive today by experimenting with how we connect — to different kinds of life, to different views of the world, and to one another.